
History: Aircraft carrier

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Aircraft carriers are large warships designed to launch and recover aircrafts, acting like sea-going airbases. This allows the navy to quickly deploy aircrafts without having to relay on local airbases.
In modern naval warfare an aircraft carrier acts as a capital ship of the fleet. This role has been previously played by a battleship. Battleships in the past were able to fire a large amount of high caliber shells and score a small percent of hits at a range of aproximatively 45 km. Today's aircraft carriers are capable to launch aircrafts that carry high precision smart weapons at a range measured in hundreds of kilometers. This way an aircraft carrier fullfills the mission of a battleship more accurately. Aircraft carriers are considered vulnerable to be attacked by other ships so they usually travel as part of a battle group or a carrier battle group.


Information Version
Dec 20, 2006 22:13 admin from 2
Dec 20, 2006 22:09 admin from 1
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