History: British Airways Flight 009

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British Airways Flight 009
G-BDXH, the aircraft involved in the accident, 1980
G-BDXH, the aircraft involved in the accident, 1980

Accident summary
Date 24 June 1982
Type : Quadruple engine
flameout due to blockage
by volcanic ash
Location : near Mount Galunggung
West Java, Indonesia
Passengers : 248
Crew : 15
Fatalities : 0
Survivors : 263 (all)
Aircraft involved : Boeing 747-236B
Operator : British Airways
Aircraft registration : G-BDXH
Flight origin : London Heathrow
Destination : Auckland Airport

British Airways Flight 9, sometimes referred to by its callsign Speedbird 9 or as the Jakarta incident, was a scheduled British Airways flight from London Heathrow to Auckland Airport, with stops in Bombay, Madras, Kuala Lumpur, Perth, and Melbourne.

On 24 June 1982, the route was flown by the City of Edinburgh, a Boeing 747-236B. The aircraft flew into a cloud of volcanic ash thrown up by the eruption of Mount Galunggung (approximately 110 miles (180 km) south-east of Jakarta, Indonesia), resulting in the failure of all four engines. The reason for the failure was not immediately apparent to the crew or air traffic control. The aircraft was diverted to Jakarta in the hope that enough engines could be restarted to allow it to land there. The aircraft glided out of the ash cloud, and all engines were restarted (although one failed again soon after), allowing the aircraft to land safely at the Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in Jakarta.

The crew members of the accident segment had boarded the aircraft in Kuala Lumpur, while many of the passengers had been aboard since the flight began in London.




Search and recovery

Passengers and crew




Further reading

Aircraft disasters


Information Version
Oct 28, 2018 10:56 admin from 3 - 5
Sep 24, 2010 00:53 admin from 1 - 2

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